For Patients
Helping you to find the right care at the right time and in the right place

Ukrainians in Herefordshire
Information for Ukrainian families and their hosts on how to access NHS services

- How can I book an appointment outside of normal hours?
You can see a GP, Nurse or Healthcare Assistant outside of normal hours by using the Enhanced Access (evening and weekend) service. Click here for more information
- What do I do if I’m not registered with a GP?
If you are not registered with a GP, you won’t be able to make an appointment with a GP surgery or with the Taurus Enhanced Access Service. If you have an immediate medical problem that needs urgent attention, we would advise you to call 111 for assistance. Alternatively, for less urgent issues, you can register as a temporary resident if you plan to live near a GP surgery for up to three months. For example, if you’re working away from home, studying or on holiday. After three months, you will have to apply to register with that surgery as a permanent resident.
- How do I register with a GP?
Anyone can register with a GP. You do not need proof of address or immigration status. To register, firstly you should locate a GP surgery that’s in your area. You can do this here
Choose a surgery that fits your needs and then contact them to say you want to register. Ask them what you need to do next in order to become one of their registered patients.
- Can a GP surgery refuse to register me?
Yes, in certain circumstances your chosen GP may refuse to register you. This may be because:
- They are not taking on any new patients
- You live outside the practice area and they are not accepting patients from other areas
- You have previously been removed from their register
- The surgery is a long way from your home and you need extra care, for example home visits. If that is the case, please choose and contact an alternative GP surgery.
If you are having difficulties registering with a GP surgery, call NHS England on 0300 311 22 33.
- I’m not sure who to go to for help
If you’re not sure who to go to for help, you may find it useful to visit Herefordshire & Worcestershire Integrated Care Service's website.