Herefordshire General Practice
Leadership Team
Working together to deliver 24/7 General Practice in Herefordshire

- Who are we?
The Herefordshire General Practice Leadership Team comprises:
- Clinical Directors from each of Herefordshire's five Primary Care Networks
- Members of the Herefordshire General Practice Federation's Senior Executive team
- The Secretary of the Local Medical Committee
- A senior representative from NHS Herefordshire and Worcestershire (Integrated Care Board)
- What is our role?
Supporting General Practice sustainability and resilience.
Decision making
We make decisions on behalf of Herefordshire General Practice following consultation and feedback from all practices (via the Clinical Directors and PCN Development Managers).Communication with system partners
We are the ‘docking point’ for communication between system partners and Herefordshire General Practice. We provide a forum for discussion on important issues affecting all Herefordshire practices and their patients.One voice for Herefordshire General Practice
We work together to provide one voice for Herefordshire General Practice. This makes it easier for system partners to understand the views of HGP rather than having to contact 19 different practices and the GP Federation for guidance.Representation and lobbying
We represent Herefordshire General Practice at important forums where strategic decisions on our population’s healthcare are being made. This means that Herefordshire General Practice’s views are taken into account, always with the best interests of patients at their heart.Liaison with the Local Medical Committee
Our LMC Secretary is a member of GPLT and advises on practices’ statutory responsibilities.
He also shares latest developments ‘coming down the track’ and gathers HGP opinions on these for sharing with the main LMC committee.- What we are committed to
Engaging and communicating with GP practices to ensure their views are represented at ‘Place’ (Hereford), ‘System’ (Herefordshire and Worcestershire) and national level.
Delivering 24/7 ‘joined up’ General Practice that is clinically led and puts patients’ needs at its heart.
Providing the right care at the right time to patients from the right clinicians who know and understand patients’ medical history. This is enabled by joined up patient records available both in and out of hours.
Integrated working with partners and intelligent data analysis to use resources as effectively as possible to tackle health inequalities and promote health and wellbeing across populations.
Striving constantly for recognition of the critical role General Practice plays in all healthcare pathways and lobbying to be funded adequately and appropriately to enable the most effective delivery of services.
- How we work
GPLT meets weekly every Tuesday morning from 9.00 am. The agenda varies each week, dependent upon the subjects under discussion.
Most meetings are held remotely via MS Teams. Once each month our meetings are held face-to-face. This allows for more workshop style discussions on complex topics and for forward planning.
Each month system partners are invited to provide updates. These include colleagues from Wye Valley Trust, Herefordshire Council and the Health and Care Trust, amongst others.
After each meeting, we publish a newsletter that is circulated to Practice Managers, LMC members, PCN Development and Operational Managers, amongst others.
If you are interested in being included in the circulation, please contact
- More information
If you would like to find out more about the Herefordshire General Practice Leadership Team, please Contact Us