Owned by all of the General Practices locally, we are here to support you

We do this in three ways:

Provide Clinical Services
Taurus runs some services directly on behalf of Herefordshire General Practice. In particular, those where delivery would not be possible by individual practices.

We work with local health and social care organisations
We aim to support practices to spend as much time as possible providing clinical care to their patients. Ensuring General Practice is able to contribute to a range of meetings with other local health and care organisations is also critical to developing care shaped around the needs of our local population. So, wherever possible, we do this on behalf of Herefordshire General Practice

Effective communication is one of the most important challenges for any organisation.
We have created a range of video resources to update and inform our colleagues across
Herefordshire General Practice.
Please contact us for Passwords

Clinical Educational Sessions
Regular clinical educational sessions are recorded and cover different topics every time (password required)

Learning Management System (online learning)
The Training Hub hosts a number of educational opportunities, which can also ensure you collect the points to qualify for your appraisal
Upcoming Events
Please login to Teamnet for more information
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