Herefordshire Remote Health

You may be offered a telephone call with one of the HRH (Herefordshire Remote Health) team.
HRH is a group of GPs, Advanced Nurse Practitioners and Physicians Associates who operate between practices, providing telephone appointment support in daytime hours.
They are highly skilled, knowledgeable and experienced and very much part of your surgery's team. All HRH practitioners have access to your full patient record. They can send prescriptions to your practice dispensary or any community pharmacy, as appropriate. This ensures continuity of care and that you get the right help for your issue or concern.
If you feel your issue can be managed on the phone, you may be offered an appointment with this team.
This service helps to improve access to appointments on the day for patients, meaning there are more appointments available in practice for those people who really need a face to face appointment, have long term conditions or are at a time in their life when the relationship with their care provider is really important.
Please note that telephone calls, including telephone consultations, are recorded for training, quality and dispute resolution purposes.