Pop-up COVID Vaccinations delivered at Olliefest

Visitors attending the Bank Holiday weekend’s Olliefest in Ross-on-Wye were offered the opportunity to receive their 1st or 2nd COVID jabs (Pfizer) delivered by a professional vaccination team from Taurus Healthcare.
The service was arranged following the successful delivery of a similar service at Lakefest earlier in the month.
Dr Jenny Barnes for Taurus Healthcare was the GP Clinical lead at the Festival, administering vaccinations to Festival attendees. She commented:
“Those people who availed themselves of a first or second COVID vaccination at Olliefest were pleased with the ease of access to our service. Outreach clinics offer convenient locations for those vital vaccinations - every jab counts!"
Kim McCready, Programme Lead for Taurus Healthcare, commented:
“The uptake of vaccinations over the weekend showed there is demand within younger age groups and we look forward to delivering more outreach clinics at events - including freshers’ fairs in the coming weeks at the Hereford colleges.
“I would like to thank everyone who was involved in delivering the vaccinations over the weekend. We were delighted with the positive response we received.”
Photo: Ross-on-line
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